
It’s been a while but here I am, back again and pleased to say that September is beautiful. I’m back from a swim at the creek and prompted to write after seeing the most spectacular little kingfisher hovering before me. I wish I could show off a picture but I was in the sea at the end of my swim when s/he arrived and I just watched, awestruck.

This is a sunflower grown from the seed of last years sunflower..More fragile but I am pleased to report they have since grown even more and they are looking more robust and much, much bigger.


Another wonder of this month is apples! Bright red ones in my case, and crumble! with blackberries! Yeah, it’s great, it’s wonderful and best of all it’s happening right here right now. This is one of my pumpkins from the garden. Roasted it was delicious…


We have had some amazing weather this summer and some fab full moons, here is one down at the creek that I photographed after a day sailing…
